These archival pages are being updated to provide historical perspective
on the Conference series. If you have information or personal anecdotes
to share about the Conferences, please email cyberconf (insert "at" glyph here)
actlab (insert period here) utexas (insert period here) edu.
JULY 17-19, 1998 - BUDAPEST
the 8cyberconf of unusual dimensions, the Podference,
produced by Hirisk, protected by etoy, was held 17-19 July
1998 in Budapest, Hungary. The Podmasters, the Podsters, and
the Pods in High Risk Baby! Live Webcast from High Risk Hotel -
the largest ex-hog farm in the former Soviet Union.
8Cyberconf was the most recent conference in our series, for reasons
explained on the
history page.
There may still be more.
The International Conference on Cyberspace is directed by Allucquere
Rosanne Stone
"International Conference on Cyberspace" and "Cyberconf" Copyright 1997-2007
all rights reserved